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Three Rows Vineyard

A backyard dad wandering through the challenge of making grapes grow


Ambition off its meds

About Three Rows Vineyard

I'm a backyard dad who works occasionally as a doctor but longs to own a vineyard one day. Even thought I'm completely new to everything wine, I approach it as I do most endeavors: that what makes grapes and wine and winemaking good, are graspable and knowable things. With that in mind, I look to fully admit my ignorance at the onset and learn a little and teach what I know along the way.

My hope is there may be one or two souls out there that dream that same dream.  Or just have dead space in their backyard.  Or you may just want to learn more about wine and don't know where to start.  Or you were just wishing at Starbucks the other day that someone would start one more blog.  Whichever way you slice it, this is my attempt to remember the lessons I learn along the way as I look to establish my micro vineyard in my backyard.  

I'm a little irreverent at times but it's all in the name of entertaining people and making nebulous concepts like wine a bit more interesting and fun to learn about.  

My vineyard to be is designed to be three rows in size and therein lies the naming.  And from those small beginnings, perhaps maybe one day they'll be acres and acres of pretty vines and fat grapes.  

In the mean time, thanks for stopping by and let me know if I can help you in any way.

-The Backyard Dad

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